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Interactions between symplectic geometry, combinatorics and number theory (14722.0065)


Mo. 14-15.30

Stefan Cohn-Vossen Raum des Mathematischen Instituts (Raum 313)





The seminar Interactions between symplectic geometry, combinatorics and number theory will cover different topics, and is aimed at studying the interactions among them. In particular, we will learn about genera on complex or symplectic manifolds (for instance the Todd and Hirzebruch genus and elliptic genera) and their connections with modular forms, as well as the combinatorics of lattice polytopes, in particular Ehrhart theory and reflexive polytopes.


Graduate students, postdocs and professors interested in attending will be encouraged to give explanatory talks that are suitable to an audience with diverse background.

From time to time we will also invite external speakers to give more advanced/research talks on topics related to those covered in this seminar.

16.04.18: Milena Pabiniak, "Cohomological rigidity for toric manifolds via toric degenerations"

30.04.18: Alexander Caviedes Castro, "Hofer-Zehnder Capacity and Bruhat Graph"

07.05.18: Alexander Caviedes Castro, "Hofer-Zehnder Capacity and Bruhat Graph, Part II"

28.05.18: Silvia Sabatini, "Multiplicities of representations and the Duistermaat-Heckman measure"

04.06.18: Markus Schwagenscheidt, "Elliptic genera and relations for Chern numbers"

11.06.18: Markus Schwagenscheidt, "Ochanine’s theorem"

02.07.18: Nikhil Savale, "Semiclassical quantization and spectral limits of h-pseudodifferential and Berezin-Toeplitz                                               operators"

03.07.18: Kiumars Kaveh, TBA (Talk in the Algebra seminar at 14:00 in the same room 313)

04.07.18: Jeremy Lane, "Eigenvalues from tropical limits"

                 (Talk in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Symplectic and Contact Geometry at 12:15 in 204)

10.07.18: Christopher Manon, TBA (Talk in the Algebra seminar at 14:00 in the same room 313)

11.07.18: Thomas Hüttemann, "Toric varieties, Novikov homology, and finiteness properties of chain complexes"

                 (Talk in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Symplectic and Contact Geometry at 12:15 in 204)

13.07.18: Megumi Harada,  "The cohomology of abelian Hessenberg varieties and the Stanley-                                                          Stembridge conjecture"  (Talk in the Oberseminar Geometrie, Topologie und Analysis at 10:30 in 204)

16.07.18: Megumi Harada, "Geometric quantization, convergence of polarizations, and Newton-Okounkov bodies



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